Arden Photonics FGC-GS Fiber Geometry System for measurement of optical fibers with diameters up to 1000 µm. Including optical unit, fiber handling bench, cables, software package; desktop computer; pair of Arden holders suitable for 400 µm diameter coated fiber.
The FGC range is the complete solution for measuring the dimensions of standard and specialty fiber in both production and R&D environments. FGC-GS – fiber glass geometry for fibers up to 1000 µm diameter. The FGC uses a Darkfield Imaging system which gives a clear image of the fiber end face, and with our high quality optics and camera users are able to measure the widest range of fibers. This type of system is supported by both NPL in the UK and NIST in the USA.
The FGC comes with an efficient software package containing controls to switch between reflection and transmission mode. This allows users to quickly and easily get both core and cladding geometry measurements including diameter, non-circularity and concentricity. The software contains measurement templates for all standard telecoms fibers, however users can also create their own. This allows the measurement of many special fiber types including dual clad fiber, bend insensitive fiber, multicore fibers and many more.