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Articles by Donna Brodie

Articles by Donna Brodie

Donna Brodie, Business Development, Film, Technical Sales
Donna started her career in the abrasive coating industry for fiber optic, automotive and industrial markets in August 1991 with Mipox International, originally on the production floor, converting raw materials into custom sizes. Donna moved from that role to customer service for 7 years, and then to Sales Account Manager, where she developed and followed up on business leads, maintained contact with distributors and direct customers, ensured customer satisfaction, and visited customers in North America and Europe.
After 21 years with Mipox Intentional, she joined Fiber Optic Center in October 2012 as a Business Development Manager for Film. In this role, Donna is the technical film manager, account manager, and distribution liaison for the Mipox International account.

Why use ÅngströmLap Lapping Film Over Other Manufacturers?

When fiber optic cable assembly process engineers are implementing or changing a process, they naturally ask a lot of questions. Engineers recognize that polishing film (aka lapping film) will play a critical role in attaining a stable manufacturing process...
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Does your Lapping Film Supplier do all it can to Protect the environment?

Fiber Optic Center is committed to choosing suppliers that value the environment. Almost all manufacturing processes produce waste. With thoughtful engineering, the toxicity of this waste can be diminished. Making lapping film is no different. When Fiber ...
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Do You Want Consistent Polishing Processes? Let’s Start With the Polishing Film

A lapping film must have the highest lot-to-lot consistency. When you establish your process there are many factors to control and the film might rank at the top. Others include, but aren’t limited to the quality of your polishing machine, its fixturing and ...
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