Fiber Optic Center will be at Fiber Connect and Optica Advanced Photonics Congress. Schedule your meeting today!


Advancements in Connectivity Important and New Designs So Inevitable

QUESTION: Why are advancements in connectivity important and new designs so inevitable?   ANSWER: For years, connectivity in the cable industry was considered a “throw it over the wall” issue with a focus on leaving the problem to others who then became...
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Common Connector Issues to Be on Alert For

QUESTION: What are common connector issues that we should be on alert for?   ANSWER: 5 common connector issues include: Connectors with high Return Loss Connectors with no light transmission Connectors with intermittent and non-repeatable...
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The Advantages of SMA Connectors Over Others

QUESTION: What are the advantages of SMA connectors over others?   ANSWER: There are advantages that SMAs have, which are not shared by their more modern and recent connector-style cousins: Doctors are familiar, and comfortable, working with SMAs on...
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Options for Troubleshooting Why a Connector Failed

QUESTION: How many options are there for troubleshooting why a connector failed?   ANSWER: There are 4 diagnostic methods that can help to troubleshoot why a connector failed. They are: In-house optical diagnostic process and tools X-ray inspection...
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Ideal Fiber Height for Fiber Optic Connectors: How to Figure That Out

QUESTION: How can we figure out the ideal fiber height for fiber optic connectors?   ANSWER: In reality, there is no ideal fiber height. I recommend aiming for a target fiber height of +/-20 nanometers. I have personally pursued the question – What is the...
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What Industries Need a Fiber Optic SMA Today?

QUESTION: What industries need a fiber optic SMA today?   ANSWER: If you remove the communications applications and markets for fiber optic connectors, what is left?: something less than .1% of the market. What are the applications? Medical: laser...
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Information on SMA Connector Over Polishing

QUESTION: Where can I get some information on SMA connector over polishing?   ANSWER: For other types of actively used connectors, SMA for example, the design intent of this connector has a specific pre-polish length and final after-polish length of...
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The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Different Methods of Cross Sectioning Fiber Optic Connectors

QUESTION: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of cross-sectioning fiber optic connectors?   ANSWER: All three methods of cross-sectioning fiber optic connectors have advantages and disadvantages highlighted here: High...
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The Ideal Fiber Height for a Fiber Optic Connector

QUESTION: What is the ideal fiber height for a fiber optic connector?   ANSWER: This is a common (and perplexing) question for many and driven by our industry’s various specifications for fiber height. The specification dictated by IEC’s international...
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The Connector With the Longest History

QUESTION: Which connector has the longest history?   ANSWER: The first connector to be accepted as a widely used standard in the early days of the fiber optic industry, in the late 1970s, was designed by Amphenol in CT as a variation of their coaxial...
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