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What Are the Probable Causes of Light Leakage From Ferrule Barrel? Is It While Insertion of Fiber Into Ferrule or While Stripping Fiber With Fujikura Stripper?

QUESTION: What are the probable causes of light leakage from ferrule barrel?  Is it while insertion of fiber into ferrule or while stripping fiber with Fujikura stripper?



We will contact you to discuss further but here are a few different possible issues:

  • Insufficient epoxy at rear of ferrule, leading to fiber break.  This can be determined fairly easily by cross-section of failed parts.

  • Fiber damage (nicking) during stripping, leading to fiber break.    Stripper causing fiber damage can often be identified by performing a fiber “bend test” immediately after stripping—–bend fiber 45-degrees in 4 directions (north, south, east, and west).   Nicked fiber should break if scored during stripping.    He should do this for 100% of production for a period of time, as it may not be evident all the time.  If he sees fiber breakage in more than, say, 1-2% of bend-tests, then likely he’s in need of replacing blades / further investigation of the strippers.

  • Fiber damage during termination—rotating ferrule around to “spread the epoxy”, when fiber is fully inserted. Depends on ferrule manufacturer, but this can be an excellent way to score the fiber and severely weaken it.   He should check lines, see if operators are rotating ferrules—-sometimes it’s necessary if tight fit, but shouldn’t need to be done as a matter of course.   To see if his ferrules have such sharp edges inside, he can strip a 900um fiber, do a bend test to make sure fiber integrity is ok, then insert it into a ferrule (no epoxy) all the way, gently rotate the ferrule 360-degrees (no need to apply downward pressure, just rotate the ferrule), then remove and re-do the bend test.  If fiber breaks, this is an area of significant concern, especially if operators are rotating connectors during term.






 Answered by AskFOC Technical Team May 4, 2017


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FOC FAQ Fiber Optic Center has a team of technical experts and marketing strategists with decades of years in the field. This team contributes to the fiber, cable and specialty industries coverage through news, alerts, reports and general media information.
About Fiber Optic Center, Inc.
Fiber Optic Center, Inc., (FOC), is an international leader in distributing fiber optic components, equipment and supplies and has been helping customers make the best cable assemblies in the world for over two decades. Several areas of specialization and expertise, in which they are the industry leader, make them the preferred choice for many of the world’s fiber professionals. In these key technology areas, FOC is "at least as technical as the manufacturer" about the products they sell. Striving to "make the business part easy," they offer outstanding and personal customer service, low or no minimum purchase order values, and from-stock delivery on industry-leading products and technology. FOC is the industry connection to the most innovative optical products, technologies and technical experts who integrate their manufacturing knowledge and vast experience into customers' worldwide operations. @FiberOpticCntr

For further information contact:
Fiber Optic Center, Inc., 23 Centre Street, New Bedford, MA 02740-6322
Toll Free in US: 800-IS-FIBER or 800-473-4237 . Direct 508-992-6464. Email: or

For media contact:
Kathleen Skelton, Director of Strategic Marketing, C: 617-803-3014 . E: