The Domaille AbraSave Polishing Fixture offers precise polishing for Huber & Suhner E2000/APC Ferrules. Compatible with OptiSpec DE8880 Scope. Shop Now.
The Domaille Engineering PFC-DCHSE83250-12 AbraSave® 'C' Polishing Fixture is designed to work with polishing machines and the OptiSpec® DE8880 Inspection Microscope, securely holding Huber & Suhner E2000/APC ferrules during the fiber optic polishing and inspection process.
With AbraSave fixtures and Unique Path Technology, each fiber follows its own designated path on the lapping film, reducing polishing time by up to 50% and extending the lifespan of lapping films by up to 90%. This ensures consistent polishing, minimizes height variations and improves yield.