Fiber Optic Center will be at Fiber Connect and Optica Advanced Photonics Congress. Schedule your meeting today!

Overview of Lapping Film

Type Specifications

Flock Pile Films

  • Innovative system of polishing
  • High performance for MT/MPO
  • Grit size 0.5μ to 16μ
Ultimas Final Films


  • Improve return loss and surface quality
  • Long-life, available to produce negative and positive fiber height
  • Consisted of deep submicron silica


  • Easily controlling fiber geometries
  • Longlife, High cut rate
  • Available in various disk, sheets and roll form
  • Grit size from 0.5μ to 30μ

Aluminum Oxide/Silicon Carbide

  • Multiple use in several applications
  • Aluminum oxide Silicone carbide
  • Grit side 0.3μ to 30μ