Jonard Backpack Fiber Preparation Kit+.
CST-1900 Round Cable Stripper
FOD-2000 Fiber Optic Drop Cable Slitter
MS-306 Mid Span Slit & Ring Tool (1.2mm - 3.3mm)
JIC-375 3-hole Fiber Optic Stripper
JIC-186 Kevlar cutter for prepping the fiber for termination
BTR-6 Buffer Tube Ringer (up to 6mm)
FL-2000 LED Flashlight
JIC-2288 Diagonal Cutter
JIC-842 Long Nose and Side Cutting Pliers
SD-61 6-in-1 Multi-Bit Screwdriver with Phillips and Slotted Bits
FW-5 Fiber Wipes
BP-100 Technician's Tool Bag Backpack
This 12 piece kit features our most popular slitting, ringing, stripping, and cutting tools which provide easy access & prep into fiber optic cables and buffer tubes. Also includes cutting shears, pliers, fiber wipes, flashlight, and multi-bit screwdriver in Technician's Tool Bag Backpack.
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