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Buffer Strippers 125um
- Jonard Dual Hole Ergonomic Buffer Coating Strip Tool
The Jonard Tools JIC-275 Two Hole Fiber Optic Stripper performs the most common fiber stripping func...
Part: JIC-275 - Jonard JIC-180C Ergonomic Buffer Coating Strip Tool
Made with preset factory settings and no adjustments required. This fiber optic stripper is designed...
Part: JIC-180C - Jonard JIC-200 Ergonomic Buffer Coating Strip Tool
The Jonard Tools JIC-200 Ergonomic Fiber Optic Stripper is made with preset factory settings and no ...
Part: JIC-200 - Jonard JIC-175 Ergonomic Buffer Coating Strip Tool
The Jonard Tools JIC-175 Ergonomic Fiber Optic Stripper is made with preset factory settings and no ...
Part: JIC-175 - Micro-Strip 250/125um Fiber Stripper
Micro-Strip 250/125um Fiber Stripper, .0063 (160um) Blade, .0100 (254um) Tube Guide
Part: MS1-06S-10-FS - Micro-Strip 900/125um Fiber Stripper
Micro-Strip 900/125um Fiber Stripper, .0080 (203um) Blade, .0400 (1016um) Tube Guide
Part: MS1-08S-40-FS - Jonard Buffer Coating Strip Tool
With preset factory settings and no adjustments required, this fiber optic stripper is designed to s...
Part: JIC-125 - Miller Dual-Hole Fiber Optic Buffer and Coating Stripper
Miller Dual-Hole Fiber Optic Stripper. One hole for stripping 900um tight buffer on standard 125um ...
Part: FO103-D-250 - Miller Buffer Coating Strip Tool
Miller Buffer Coating Strip Tool for standard 125um fiber. 140um strip diameter. [80355]
Part: FO103S - Micro-Strip Stripper Kit
Micro-Strip Stripper Kit, Strips up to 900um and Jacketing up to 3.5mm
Part: MS-FOK-1 - Micro-Strip Fiber Stripping Tool Kit
Micro-Strip Fiber Stripping Tool Kit. Contains everything necessary for stripping 125/250, 125/900,...
Part: MS-FOK-2